You have decided to lose weight, you do it, but something does not work. You go to the gym, you play sports actively and still nothing. You look in the mirror - cellulite. You touch the skin of your thighs - the unpleasant cellulite is there again. It is an unpleasant skin condition, which each of us strives to get rid of. The BELL Homeopathy team decided to gather the facts and debunk all the myths surrounding cellulite.
What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a cosmetic defect on the surface of the skin, usually located on the thighs and hips of women, due to fat accumulated in the subcutaneous layer. We often see pictures of Hollywood stars in swimsuits and it becomes clear, that even stars have cellulite. Which of course doesn't mean, that they are not supported, rather, every woman tends to suffer from cellulite accumulations and problems, which they create.
The unpleasant cosmetic problem - Cellulite
Cellulite is a cosmetic problem, it is neither a disease, nor a medical condition. It can appear in the form of light dimples or orange skin, and then cellulite is only noticeable after pressing the skin. For some ladies and gentlemen, cellulite is very obvious and covers large areas of lumpy skin., deep dimples and creases. Cellulite can also appear on the abdominal area, chest and upper arms.
What are the causes of cellulite?
It can be caused by fat deposits, combined with thickened collagen fibers of cells, located deep under the skin. When the fibers tighten or the fatty areas expand, fat deposits can rise to the surface. Cellulite is much more common in women.
The myth: skinny people don't have cellulite
We often consult fine ladies, but with cellulite problems causing them discomfort. Cellulite is related to the internal structure of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, so even thin people can have cellulite. If thin skin runs in your family, cellulite, the one you have will be more visible.
What are the risk factors, which until recently you could not control?
When we talk about cellulite, genetics is destiny, which can be changed. If your mother had cellulitis, we can help you block this tendency. Other risk factors include:: hormonal changes during pregnancy and aging, for which our team with the help of homeopathy, may also help.
What factors you can control?
We can totally help you prevent cellulite, by changing your lifestyle. The factors, which worsen his condition are:
Yo-yo diets (successive weight loss and weight gain);
Extremely high-carbohydrate diets;
Thickening; Obesity;
Sedentary lifestyle;
Fluid retention and dehydration.
The homeopathic product Slimbel is the answer to losing weight and dealing with cellulite!
Looking for a way to help so many people, who seek our help, we created the homeopathic preparation Slimbel. It enables the body to cope with all the listed negative effects on the body and spirit.
Slimbel influences in three main directions:

  1. It reduces body fluids and affects the breakdown of fat deposits and cellulite.
  2. It reduces the appetite for sweet things and the ingestion of large amounts of food.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the spirit and self-esteem, by reducing the harmful effects of stress.
    It is important to start with a gradual change in the quality of life: avoiding the use of poor quality food and drinks, increase in motor activity, avoiding contact with "poisonous" people and situations. Don't forget to drink at least two liters of water daily while using Slimbel, to help clear waste products from the body.
    Slimbel is taken two tablets half an hour before meals, by placing them under the tongue, subject to the rule that there should be no aroma in the mouth at the time of intake. Its effectiveness is shared by many of our patients, ladies and gentlemen, and this is a reason to recommend its use with conviction.

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