This is a balance of energy and dealing with fear!
Every day in my office I hear the same complaints from people of different genders and ages, with different social status and life experience: "For years I've had problems with shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat", "My head hurts, I'm going to burst and sweat", "A fire burns within me and I startle in my sleep with palpitations"…
For the modern man under stress, this is a real nightmare. It's enough, for him to say: "Is this the end?? Was that all??” And with trembling fingers he reaches for the wrist, to measure your heart rate. He is naturally speedy. “Heart attack!”, he panics, "I'm Dying", "End"…
Drops of sticky sweat seem to cover the back as well, and the heart, twice more it seems to "shake" and ram with new force, and very often! And there is not enough air. The best time is for such a person to faint, even more, that his trembling legs do not hold him...
Psychiatrists call it a panic attack or vegetative crisis
The good news is, that she has not sent anyone to the grave yet. It is not a disease!
But the people, suffering from sudden panic attacks, unknown why, they very rarely turn to a psychologist for help and consultation and almost never to a psychiatrist.
The patient's logic suggests otherwise – palpitations are treated by a therapist?
And therein lies the big mistake, which can be fixed by the personal physician only on condition, that he has a high qualification. To recognize the real cause of panic attacks, he has to get to the "original source", because disorders of the vegetative-vascular system are often a consequence of internal chronic diseases.
But to ignore the fears, definitely consult a psychiatrist – there is nothing special or scary about it. Without your consent, no one will forcibly send you to a psychiatric clinic. Nor will he think – "he's crazy".
What provokes vegetative crises?
The ideal option is really to consult a psychiatrist. Unfortunately, this almost never happens in practice. The therapist treats the patient's complaints "with all responsibility". And to clarify the picture, appoints a number of studies – analyses, cardiogram, x-ray... Getting false directions in their hands, the frightened person becomes even more convinced, that he is seriously ill and lo, he even made it difficult for the doctors with his illness! To top it all off, the therapist prescribed a bunch of sedatives, but he has not ignored the fears. He has only deepened them: means, severe case! And the patient is completely fixated on his illness. He starts looking for a "more qualified" specialist, rounds all doctors except these, which he really needs. And attacks of sudden fear with unpleasant sensations are becoming more and more frequent. Why is this happening?? We will sort out the reasons – alergy, frequent use of stimulants such as alcohol (usually the next day). And even over tea or coffee. There are other reasons: excess hormones, impaired metabolism, stress, excessive fatigue. Even fear before exams can provoke panic attacks.
Chronic diseases can provoke vegetative crises. And here is the place of a really thinking specialist.
Attacks are very intrusive and customizable! That's the problem - they change all the time. It is enough for a person to have such an attack once, especially in an inappropriate place, for example in the car or the bus, and already falls into the closed circle of his fears. From a medical point of view, it seems so, as if one were experiencing real stress. When he gets stressed, which can be a consequence not only of mental trauma, but also from a disturbed balance of substances in the body, his adrenal glands secrete hormones into the blood. incl. and the hormone adrenaline, which stimulates heart activity. Metabolism in the body increases, to generate as much energy as possible – just in case. Because nature has set up this rescue scheme for us: "stress – danger – additional forces to reflect aggression or flight”. Muscles are tense, the heart beats frequently, breathing quickens... Listening to the rhythm, convinces himself, that he is not normal. This scares him even more. And the adrenal glands helpfully release a new dose of "stimulating" adrenaline. The heart beats even harder, unpleasant and rather unusual sensations increase. This is the reason for the panic. In addition to everything, the fear of this is added, that you are in the subway, for example, deep underground. You are afraid, that the "Emergency" doctors will not come on time. All this makes the attack unbearable.
At the same time, it's as if a bomb has been planted in the body – next time, feeling only a slight perspiration in the stifling overcrowded carriage, the sufferer suspects, that another attack is coming. And then the "bomb" immediately goes off. And further, these attacks can be repeated more and more often – every two or three hours, or vice versa – once a week. They can last half a minute, but also half an hour – everything also depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
Take a new look at your strange sensations
Psychiatrists and neurologists claim, that the number of people suffering from panic attacks is constantly increasing. The reasons listed so far plus our social problems literally throw modern man into the arms of all kinds of phobias, they make him hostage to harmful habits and reflexes. Of course, it is not impossible to describe all the manifestations of panic attacks in just one article. They may be a collection of signs. It could be just one sign – for example, a severe headache, which manifests itself in some particular situation.
There are no anti-panic attack drugs in pharmacies
However, in mild cases self-suggestion helps. When a person suffering from seizures does not lose heart, did not succumb to the premonition of another attack. Quite the opposite – he "opens up" to this situation – he almost tells himself: "is, let's see what you will show this time!” So don't forget, that you don't die from panic attacks. However, this non-medicinal method offered by psychiatrists and psychotherapists (they call it paradoxical intention), unfortunately it is not suitable for everyone. That's the trouble, that some people with panic disorders suffer from various types of neuroses.
Panic attacks are a condition, which is not affected by the seasons, although in the spring and autumn the attacks usually become more frequent.
Typical emotional manifestations are anxiety, depression, anger, short temper, internal tension. Behavioral changes such as appetite disturbances are also present, in the dream, decreased concentration, easy to forget. Stress is also the culprit for diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the digestive system.
One of the effective ways to reduce stress is homeopathy. STRESSBEL is a homeopathic product – a specialty in influencing nervous conditions and emotional imbalance. Extremely suitable for anxious tension, emotional lability, irritability, sleep disorders - they are all part of the manifestations of panic attacks.
Комбинираните съставки на СТРЕСБЕЛ, благодарение на които отново „влизаме в ритъм“и повишаваме нивото на серотонина са Ignatia Amara – за фините и чувствителни хора подложени на силен емоционален стрес, Gelsemium Sempervirens – подходящ за кризите на тревожност, съпроводени с усещане на безпомощност, напрежение в главата, недостиг на въздух, Kalium Iodatum – при остро настъпило или хронично безсъние, Sticta Pulmonaria – при притеснителни и тревожни хора в състояние на декомпенсация.
Освен за възрастни, подложени на стрес и чести панически атаки, продуктът може да се ползва от деца над 3 години, проявяващи неспокойно поведение.
Admission is also for adults, and for children it is more 2 tablets 3 times a day. In case of anxiety crises, one tablet can be taken every hour. The tablets are placed in the mouth until completely dissolved, observing only the rule that there are no aromas from food and drinks in the mouth.
Серията на първия български производител на хомеопатични продукти „БЕЛЛ Хомеопатия“ е насочена към овладяване на едни от най-сериозните и разпространени здравословни проблеми, характерни за българина. При това с помощта на холистичен подход като хомеопатията и безспорните й предимства – безопасност, ефективност и достъпни цени!