On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, I decided to share my story.
First, let me clarify something. I'm not writing this, to convince you to quit smoking. It's naive to think, that with teachings, finger wagging or scary stats, someone will stop smoking, just like this. In its relatively short life path so far, I have convinced myself of one thing beyond doubt. Otherwise, that reprimanding someone for something, which you think is wrong, you're actually pushing him to do it even harder. Especially smoking cigarettes. Examples in my environment, countless. From teachers with zero effect. And from smokers, smoking in defiance. And to yourself, and others.
Only a good example really works. Then, when not with reproach, but with the right approach, patience and a smile, you provoke someone to think. Is there any reflection?, there is also hope. Not just for cigarettes. Basically.
Second, I am an ex-smoker. I'm not a doctor, and serious journalism I have not practiced closely 10 years. Then I worked in Darik's regional office in Plovdiv and smoked a lot. As vessels for these two vices – journalism and cigarettes, but that's another topic. I just wanted to say, that I am not writing from the position of an "expert", "guru" or "scholar". I'm not one of the wooden heads. The role of narrator, essayist-enthusiast suits me. To a person, who is trying to share something based on life experience, with one request. Don't take it seriously. Like the author, so are cigarettes. But this, that I want to share, it is serious and comes from my soul.
In this life I have often tripped over the same stone twice, and I have not always learned from my mistakes. Especially the tobacco problem was not a stone for me, a whole rock, in which I periodically bumped my head. Because I was thinking, that this is a big problem. And sins! Self-esteem and the lack of it can be a problem, not the cigarettes.
So there you have it, my first big lesson. The more importance you attach to a "problem", the more power you give it. Yes, that's right. If you want to quit smoking, but you think , that you do not have the strength to fight this problem, that you lack sufficient willpower, or the nicotine addiction is too strong, then you have already fallen into the egregor of cigarettes. You've swung the 'big problem' pendulum, and you have turned the cigarette box into a huge monster, from whose clutches there is no escape. And no matter how many times you've broken free from his clutches, it catches up and tempts you again. Do the following. Take away his power. First with your thought. You really believe, with his whole being and with his purposeful thought, that this is only a small one, unhappy , cylindrical, crushed, a cigarette stuffed with tobacco. Who desperately needs you. And not you from her. Because you are the whole UNIVERSE, and she is small, unhappy, poisoned cigarette. Something much more is instilled in you, than you could even imagine. And this miracle of the universe will be fully revealed to you, then when light is slowly released from the "smoke screen". While the cigarette embodies only the idea of corporate profit of its manufacturer.
Yes, show the damn cigarette who's who in this game!
The second lesson is, that each process, it started with awareness.
Yes, there is only this one chance to stop smoking, who really wants to quit smoking. The one who wants to smoke, who considers cigarettes an incomparable pleasure, vent, or stressor, he will most likely continue to smoke. And that would be the best thing for him right now, for sure. Which I don't have and could not have any problem with. I remember, that while I was practicing yet another vicious profession, in the municipal administration of the municipality of Plovdiv, the garden in the backyard of the municipality (but how does it sound?) was something like tobacco heaven. The municipal officials, in small groups of two or three, on constant shifts during approx 5 minutes, with inimitable zeal and passion they destroyed cigarette after cigarette, topped with "coffee". Minute by minute, hour after hour, day after day. They were the most active from accounting. They did not give up on the paperwork. Budget officers were regularly involved, the economists, the lawyers. Abe, everyone. And why not, as their work is such, goofy. Or rather, the place where it is practiced. The vent - also. It's like a children's bed. Of those, which you can get off, only if they don't spin too fast. And the backyard of the municipality (it really sounds good) , the merry-go-round spins at terrifying speeds, easily attracts newcomers too, but to get off it, you must be very lucky indeed. Only the mayor did not measure himself, but that's because he smokes cigars. He's the mayor, isn't he?. And don't smoke in your backyard. At least during business hours.
Lesson number 3 it's called "cellular memory". She is the most serious "magnet", which pulls back everyone, dared to break away from the tobacco vice. For a long time I fooled myself and thought, that the most important thing is the decision, which I take. I tell myself, that I won't smoke anymore and.... I don't succeed. Just like Mark Twain, which claims, that “giving up is something elementary and personally he has done it more than 1000 times.” Two points turned out to be key to my understanding of this particular part of the problem. The first was a book - The Healing Code by Dr. Alex Lloyd and Ben Johnson. The second key point, was a meeting, with the Bell Homeopathy team of specialists. They were the first to describe in detail the phenomenon of cellular memory, how each of the cells in our body has the ability to store information, including the harmful things, which we accept. The second one gave me the full explanation and understanding of it, how brain biochemistry plays out during the smoking cessation process. And how much, everything is both complicated and simple. Making a decision is a simple process, but brain biochemistry and cellular memory are not. I will come back to the Bell Homeopathy team again in point 5, because it is wasted. If you want, judge, that I'm advertising for him. So be it. I actually advertise to everyone, which I have seen first hand, that helps and, that he really understands it, which he does. There are not many of these people in our country, but there are. Especially in the medical profession. I think, that if God loves a person, no doctor can harm him….but that is a topic for another article.
As I'm off to talk about dating and people, influenced my understanding of the smoking problem, let me tell you about a good friend. Bozhidar Tsendov, who is perhaps the best Human Design analyst in Bulgaria. That's why he's good, not that he knows everything, there is no way. And that's why, shares what he has learned outside the courses, which leads. Share, without charging. For the idea. He probably realizes, that Knowledge is no one's private property, and on sharing it depends on living better as human beings. Together. Which I personally have always found to be a divine trait in people. To share for the cause. And Human Design really knows a lot. Not just for me and for you, as individual pieces of a puzzle. This system knows everything about the puzzle itself. But this is a topic for more than one, and for a series of articles. Now I will just tell you what Bozhidar sent me as a text back then, when I asked him, how the Human Design system reflects the problem of cigarettes. Here's what he gave me back:
“When one follows one's design, when he follows his strategy and authority to make the right decisions, a 7-year transformation process begins. During this period, as Ra Uru Hu says, the creator of the system, „ние се отърваваме от лошите си навици“. Кои са лошите навици? Навиците, за които стратегията и авторитетът са ни казали „престани с това“. Проблемът идва, when we have made the correct decision for us to stop doing something, but we cannot implement it. The man has a problem, not when he has made the conscious decision to smoke and is willing to suffer the consequences, and when he tries to quit and can't. What's stopping us?? We are hindered by non-self themes and limiting beliefs, that cause us to function unhealthily. We will consider them in turn. The center of the heart. When it's open, we have low self-esteem, we compare ourselves to others and try to prove to others and ourselves how great we are, good ones, beautiful etc. We light a cigarette, to show how big we are, strong, independent etc. When we accept ourselves, as we are, we understand, that we don't have to prove ourselves to anyone. Emotional center. When it's open, we are sensitive and nervous. We tend to avoid conflict and appear unnecessarily nice to others. The lungs are also connected to this center. Smoking gives us a false sense of freedom from conflict. You know the expression: "light a cigarette to calm down". When we learn to release emotions, they will not affect us destructively. G-center. When it is openable, we think, that we have to find ourselves and we are trying to be something, which we are not. We mirror other people by mirroring their habits. We can find ourselves in the company of the wrong people and feel like smoking, because we mirror their behavior. When we follow our own path, we understand, that we don't have to do like others. Spleen center. When it is open we cling to harmful habits and people. An open spleen accumulates wisdom on how to take care of one's health. Когато не следва себе си, може да прекалява с огромни количества цигари, алкохол, вредни субстанции и т.н. Когато се научим как да вземаме правилните решения за себе си, здравето ни ще се подобри. Root Center. When it's open, we are vulnerable to stress. We reinforce it in ourselves and rush to get rid of it, as fast as possible by using everything, which is handy. When we learn to release stress and create our own rhythm of life, we don't need to use questionable means to flush it out. And the cigarettes themselves create a frizz. The stress of the last cigarette makes us immediately light up another. The stress of alcohol makes us look for beer again the next day. Sacred center. When it's open, we don't know when to stop. The quantities of cigarettes and alcohol increase even beyond the limit of the feeling of pleasantness. When we learn to guard our powers and ourselves, we will at least be able to reduce the use of cigarettes and alcohol. Throat center. When it's open, we seek the attention of others. Sometimes desperately. If we light a cigarette, we get attention (no matter what), ще поискаме да го направим. Важното е да разберем, че когато сме себе си, ще получим вниманието, което задлужаваме и без да го търсим. Център на главата. When it's open, се тревожим за неща, които нямат смисъл. От една страна това увеличава напрежението, а от друга страна лесно губим фокус – например, губим фокус от нашата програма за отказване на тютюнопушенето. Изходът е да разберем, that all limiting beliefs work in our mind and when we have made a decision, we must not allow our thoughts to interfere with its fulfillment. Ajna Center. When it's open, може да сме много твърдо убедени в нещо. Да приемаме за верни безброй заблуди. Неща като „от пушенето се отслабва“, „без алкохол няма забавление“, „цигарите дезинфекцират гърлото и белите дробове“, „никотинът е невротрансмитер в мозъка“, „аз ще съм от 5-те процента хора, на които пушенето не вреди“, „цигарите премахват напрежението“ и т.н. Изходът е да знаем, че ограничаващите вярвания са в ума и да вземаме решенията си като следваме стратегията и авторитета си за вземане на правилни решения. Целият ни живот като човешки същества, also our spiritual life is shown as a process in the Human Design map. It turns out very quickly, that our life and spirituality cannot develop without self-love. And we can't love each other, without being ourselves. Following the strategy and the authority to make the right decisions can show us who we are through our actions. И така да заобичаме себе си. Любовта към себе си е начинът да се грижим наистина за себе си и да се освобождаваме от ограничаващите вярвания. И в даден момент ще се окаже, че алкохолът, цигарите или нещо други вече са останали зад нас и не ни липсват. Или пък не. Може да се окаже, че пушенето е част от нас и коректното за нас решение е да продължаваме да пушим в момента, но без това да ни притеснява. Но всяко решение има срок на годност. The awareness of the essence helps us to change and in every moment to show something new of ourselves and to interact in a new way with the world.
In two words...Love yourself! Love your bodies, because you are the only one. Like changing the oil in a car, so also cleanse your body, because he will get congested and sick. It is inevitable. А развием ли тази безусловна любов към обвивките на душите си, няма как да не спрем не само този, а и редица други пороци. За тези от вас, които не са съвсем наясно със системата Хюмън Дизайн, what is an open Throat center or Ajna etc., here is Bozhidar's website – http://www.bojidartzendov.com/ You will be surprised, amazed and shaken by it, which you will discover for yourself. I guarantee it !
One last lesson, but not in importance. Perhaps most important. And he is, that at one point, all the effort, are paid off. Because Fate or her majesty the universe, meets you with the right person. This one, чрез който Господ откликва на молбите на душата ти. Когато Господ ти желае доброто, винаги ще ти изпрати точните хора. В моя конкретен случай, това се случи чрез съпругата ми – Йоанна Андонова. Човек с невероятна съдба и дух, с чиято помощ възстанових доста поразклатеното си здраве, след практикуването на редица порочни професии, описани по-горе. А благодарение на нея, I also met the Bell Homeopathy team of specialists . And more precisely, with his developed "TABACOBEL". Yes, with that I quit smoking. Not with chemistry, not with stickers, Not for 10 days, in a month or two. I stopped them just for 6 месеца. С хомеопатия. Точно както е описано в листовката на продукта. За този период от време мозъчната биохимия се нормализира. Like that, че да не искаш да пушиш. Да се чувстваш по начин, сякаш никога не си пушил. Yes, това, което ви пиша сега, е реклама по мой си начин. Нека всеки, който наистина иска да спре цигарите, потърси хомеопатичния продукт „ТАБАКОБЕЛ“. Произвежда се от българи – „Белл Хомеопатия“ и се продава онлай на www.bellhomeopathy.com. И можете да обърнете пясъчния часовник на 6 месеца, обратно броене. А ако искате да продължите да пушите…..моля. Принтирайте текста, навийте го и изпушете с кеф всяка буква от написаното. Да ви е сладко. Но….надали 😉