World Obesity Day – 24-you October

Obesity and its consequences are a serious problem nowadays. According to recent studies by the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, more than half of the adult population of the European Union is overweight or obese.

In Bulgaria, obesity affects approx 1 million. souls. In this number, not a small part of the children in the country are affected. 11,7% of those of 3-6 years are overweight, a 5,6% are obese, according to data from the Ministry of Health. The trend increases over time in school-age children.

The level of physical activity decreases dramatically until the age between 11-15 years in most countries. One in seven children in the European Union is overweight or obese, and an increase in their number is expected. Just one of each 5 children engage in physical activity regularly. .

Obesity is associated with the accumulation of too much fatty tissue in the waist area, the belly, hips. The so-called visceral fat forms a sheath of fatty tissue around the vital internal organs and this prevents their normal function. That's why preventive examinations, healthy eating and promoting physical activity are of utmost importance for health.

Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Researchers from the US National Cancer Institute agree, that obesity is associated with the development of breast cancer, in postmenopausal age, uterine cancer, of the kidneys, of the esophagus and colon.

The reason for the increased number of heart attacks at a younger age is obesity. It's a fact, that even young people of the age of 18 to 34 years.

Obesity is also associated with an increase in type 2 diabetes 2 among children and adults. Type diabetes 2 is a disease of the body, which leads to impaired function of the pancreas and it is unable to synthesize enough insulin, undermining its effective application.

Extra pounds and limited physical activity make natural processes in the body more difficult. This, in turn, affects vitality and self-esteem in general.

Slowed metabolic processes and overloading of the body with residual metabolic products are the reason for the more frequent and earlier manifestation of chronic diseases and osteoarthritis. Obese people are more likely to get the flu and other health problems.

Overweight and obesity, and their associated complications are largely preventable. A healthy diet and regular physical activity are an essential part of obesity prevention.  The recommendations of the World Health Organization are: increase fruit and vegetable consumption, bean cultures, whole grains and nuts; limiting sugar intake, processed foods; more movement and the practice of regular physical exercises; achieve energy balance and a healthy weight.

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