Homeopathy for children in autumn and winter

Since the creation of homeopathy before 200 years by the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, she has earned a reputation for her ability to treat newborns, babies and toddlers. Today, many pediatricians prefer homeopathic treatment for their own children and for their patients in a wide variety of childhood illnesses. Bulgaria proudly contributes to the care of children's immunity with unique homeopathic preparations, without analogue in the world. BELL Homeopathy cares about the future and invests in the development of IMMUNOBEL. It is a combined preparation, boosting our defenses, no side effects.
Can the vicious cycle of antibiotic after antibiotic be ended?, the end result of which is a weakened organism, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Experts have an opinion, that this is possible with the development and launch of the new Bulgarian homeopathic product IMUNOBEL.
It has been on the home market for quite some time. It is produced in Plovdiv by the Bulgarian company "Bell Homeopathy". The driving force behind the creation of the product is the prominent Burgas doctor Dr. Ivaylo Dimitrov, homeopath specialist with solid experience as a teacher and practitioner.
Guided by the standards in world homeopathy, he and his team have implemented the latest and innovative trends, so that the product is maximally effective, absolutely harmless and financially accessible to people.
5 reasons, which is why homeopathy should be used for children:
1-safe medicine
Any medicine, prescribed for children, it should be non-toxic and without side effects. Homeopathic preparations are completely non-toxic and have no side effects. Unlike antibiotics and other similar drugs, homeopathic preparations do not damage digestion, do not reduce the body's defenses, do not cause allergic reactions and do not harm even with long-term use.
2-effective and fast treatment
Homeopaths have established from experience and observation, that the children, being more sensitive, respond faster to homeopathy. Homeopathy is extremely effective for practically all childhood diseases. Contrary to popular opinion, homeopathy is a fast-acting method and restores health in the fastest way, whether it is a fever, cough, colds, diarrhea, asthma etc.
3-natural, scientific medicine
Homeopathy is based on the principle "like cures like"
The effectiveness of homeopathy can be scientifically verified and positive results can be repeated over and over again. Its action is based on solid scientific principles.
4-strengthens the body's defenses
Children often have repeated infections due to reduced body defenses. Homeopathic treatment, based on the organic approach, removes the disease from the roots, thereby strengthening the protective forces of the child's organism. As a result, the child does not get sick often.
5-liked by children
Homeopathic pills have a sweet taste and are taken with pleasure by children. They are never bitter, do not cause disgust and thus avoid problems, which are otherwise obtained when trying to give a drug. Taking homeopathic preparations is so easy and hassle-free, that even a one-day-old baby can take them dissolved in drinking water, thus saving the huge unpleasant sensation and crying, which otherwise accompanies the intake of medication. Homeopathic preparations are not given by injection and even a comatose child can be given homeopathic medicine, without requiring an injection.
The only difficulty is the intake of the preparations in babies. It's not easy to get a few-month-old baby to hold a tablet under his tongue, until it melts.
What can be done in such a case? There are several possibilities, with the choice being the parent's:
• For newborns and infants, the tablets are dissolved in the bottle with a pacifier with a little water (not milk or fruit juice!). Before giving the homeopathic preparation, it is good to shake the bottle well, to reactivate the preparation.
• The tablets are crushed between two spoons into a coarse powder, which is poured into the child's mouth or given to suck.
• After the second-third year, granules are taken under the tongue as in adults.

More information about IMUNOBEL – HERE

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